About ABI

Your Home away from home

ABI manages the maintenance and operations of Arden on the Severn's private beaches, boat ramps and park properties. ABI's voluntary Board of Directors includes a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Member At Large, ACA Representative, and Beach Representatives to represent all Arden Sections (1-5) voted in by the Shareholders annually. The Board of Directors is tasked with collecting deed-mandated annual lot assessments. The ABI Registrar (hired position) is tasked with issuing beach passes to authorized users, as well as amenity vehicle passes, ramp launch access passes, dinghy dock storage passes, and watercraft storage rack passes. The Registrar processes beach reservations and confirms reservations on the community calendar. The Beach Manager is responsible for overseeing beach reservations. The ABI Beach Manager and Beach Checkers are tasked with beach security efforts to uphold the privacy of our property by checking users and authorized guests for proper credentials, monitoring boat launch ramps, and authorized vehicles. They are also responsible for monitoring trash and performing beach clean up duties. Please help our volunteers and paid staff with your understanding and cooperation of the duties they are tasked to perform. They are just doing their jobs.

ABI also hires secondary AACo Police Patrol to assist with security efforts with authorized enforcement of ABI rules & regulations. This is supplemented by the ACA Neighborhood Watch Fund through ACA Membership contributions to that fund. Please support the ACA's Voluntary Membership.

Beach Passes

Beach passes can be ordered by and issued to all authorized Owners and Non-Owners who have paid the annual deed-mandated lot assessments and annual regulatory access user fee. Amenity passes for vehicles, boat ramp launch access, dinghy dock storage, and watercraft rack storage are available at an additional cost and can only be purchased after the mandatory annual assessment and regulatory access user fees are paid for the current year.

Beach reservations

Beaches 1 and 4 are available for reservation by qualifying members on a first come, first served basis. Check the ABI Calendar for availability and make your reservation. The fee is $100 which includes trash removal. You are encouraged to take your party trash and recycling with you after your event.

An additional $50 clean-up fee could be assessed for clean-up required by ABI.


The ABI board meets monthly to handle ABI business matters. Member input is entertained and assistance with operations and projects is appreciated. CONTACT US if you are interested in volunteering, or you can APPLY for a paid ABI employee position.