Beach Amenities 


Please be sure to read the rules and regulations below for all your beach and amenity passes. Failure to abide by these rules and regulations could result in the denial of beach and amenity pass issuance or the revocation of privileges.

ABI Annual Deed-Mandated Lot Assessments and Annual Regulatory Annual Access User Fee must be paid in full to obtain written authorization for access/use of ABI property–inclusive of all beaches, ramps, playgrounds and park areas, etc. Failure to pay these fees will result in temporary or permanent exclusion from any and all ABI property.

All said fees must be current by the property owner before Non-Owner Adults over the age of 21 (including Renters and Boarders) can register and before any optional amenity passes (vehicle parking passes, ramp access passes, watercraft rack storage passes) can be ordered.

Access to Arden On The Severn's private beaches is for qualifying residents and their authorized guests ONLY. By paying all required ABI annual fees, qualifying owners and non-owner residents can request beach and amenity passes. Non-Owner residents (including renters) who pay the annual fees can request beach passes as long as the property account is current. Beach passes are non-transferrable and loaning your pass out will results in revocation of privileges. Residents are advised to carry some form of identification for proof of residency, otherwise you may be requested to leave. Residents are required to submit an application annually providing updated contact information, proof of residency and acknowledgment of beach rules. 


Beach passes are required to access ABI properties and are issued upon request after deed-mandated lot assessments and the annual regulatory access user fees are paid. Passes are required for use of ABI property.

Vehicle passes

Parking is available at all of our private beaches and ramps with a valid vehicle pass.  Passes can be ordered after annual fees are paid. 

ramp access passes

Boat ramp passes are available to Arden On The Severn qualifying residents only and can be purchased after annual fees are paid. 

Dinghy dock storage passes

Dinghy dock storage passes are available to Arden On The Severn qualifying residents only and can be purchased after annual fees are paid. The dinghy dock is located a Ramp #4.  

watercraft rack storage passes

Watercraft storage rack passes are available to Arden On The Severn qualifying residents only and can be purchased after annual fees are paid. Storage racks are located at Beach #1, #2, #4, and #5. 

BEACH RESERVATIONS: Qualifying residents may RESERVE Beach 1 or Beach 4 for private parties/events!