fee schedule
In accordance with the 2023 annual shareholder meeting and subsequent vote, below are links to the upcoming fee schedule related to the Regulation-Required Annual Access User Fee per tax account number (subject to inflation). Proposed User Fees for 2024 - 2026 have been approved by ABI shareholders and are not subject to change at this time. Annual Deed-Mandated Lot Assessments are not subject to change per deeded covenant . All other fees are reviewed and subject to change every two (2) years depending upon the need, and any proposed fee revisions will be identified by the ABI Board and presented to shareholders for vote during the annual meeting.
These facts are being shared to help squash rumors and misinformation surrounding ABI fees (deed-mandated annual lot assessments, regulatory annual access user fees, optional owner amenity annual fees, and non-owner annual use and amenity fees). Please use caution and discretion when reading social media posts surrounding this subject matter as they are not from official sources and based on personal opinion and interpretation. Consider the source and check your facts here.
Below are the facts about the ABI Fee Structure:
The $22/lot annual assessment originated in 1951 (over 72 years ago) and is and has been insufficient to fund adequate maintenance and operations of ABI’s private beach properties for decades.
ABI is the owner of the deed-mandated annual lot assessments, regulatory annual access user fee, and optional amenity fees collected for the use and maintenance of ABI’s private beach and park properties.
a. Deed-Mandated Lot assessments and the regulatory annual access user fee are the primary funding source for basic operations, and property and infrastructure maintenance.
b. Optional Amenity fees are established to support the specific amenities for which they are charged.
Privileges to access ABI’s private beach and park properties are not automatic based on the payment of the deed-mandated annual $22 per lot assessment alone. Per Deed Covenant No. 5, said privileges for "reasonable use" are by ABI written authorization in accordance with established rules and regulations (which includes regulatory annual access user and optional amenity fees). The regulatory annual access user fee was effected in 2018 by shareholder vote in 2017.
Residents may expect reasonable use of ABI’s private beach properties in accordance with these established rules and regulations (which includes the payment of the regulatory annual access user and optional amenity fees as requested).
Rules and regulations may be revised by ABI as needed. General rules and regulations may be revised by majority Board vote for implementation. New fees and revisions to existing regulatory annual access user and optional amenity fees are reviewed every two (2) years and adjustments to those fees proposed by majority Board vote and presented for shareholder approval during the annual shareholder meeting.
ABI has the power to deprive residents the use of ABI private beach properties (temporarily or permanently) for any infraction of rules and regulations (which includes non-payment of deed-mandated lot assessments, regulatory annual access user fees, violations surrounding amenity passes or use of properties without required credentials), without impairing the resident’s obligation to pay such charges per Deed Covenant No. 5.
ABI shall maintain the beaches at its own discretion and residents have no right to dictate or require maintenance of ABI’s private beach properties.
It is recognized that the maintenance and improvements to ABI’s private beach and park properties exceed the annual deed-mandated lot assessment fees collected, therefore a user fee schedule is established which includes a regulatory annual access user fee and optional amenities.
ABI considers all fee-paying residents "members" as defined by the IRS not for profit status under the 501(c)7 whereby a specified percentage of revenue must come from its membership.
Services provided by ABI shall be funded primarily by the deed-mandated annual lot assessments with inflation being acknowledged through the regulatory annual access user fee and optional amenity fees. ABI may establish a perpetual future fund through the collection of said fees for ABI property operations and maintenance.
What Gives ABI the right?
Covenant #5 of Sunrise Beach property deed chains is the legal document that gives ABI the right to implement regulations related to the use of its properties which includes user fees implemented by shareholder vote and bylaw amendment in 1988 and the annual access user fee for beach passes implemented by shareholder vote in 2018. The 2023 shareholder-approved increase to the existing regulatory annual access user fee for beach passes is not a new few.